A number of small edges and corners still needed to be filled with siding when we started the day.

We began to chase down these loose ends.

Additionally, we dreamed of a bookshelf that would be located above the door. Why waste precious space? Most books won't fit vertically but a few could assuredly be stacked. And so a bookshelf vision was born.

Lots of tiny house work actually occurs after sunset (who knew?) lit by halogen worklights. For these upper corners it's great to do the layout on a table first and then nail things in place.

Voila! Still needs some trim around and above the door and in the uppermost triangle. But, aside from these things, we're inching up on having the exterior all zipped up.
Finally, while resting on our laurels at the end of the day, we tested out the bookshelf. It works! Huzzah!
Love the innovative solutions you bring to tiny housedom.