Or, short of that, more pictures showing y'all what the heck the house looks like in its current state.
TODAY the last two windows were installed. To make up for the lack of other photos on the blog recently, we took step-by-step photos of the installation of the last window. Here we go:

pic1: Here you can see the Tyvek has been wrapped around slightly on the inside of the rough opening of the window.
pic3: Two things of note: Protecto Wrap is used on the bottom of the rough opening to protect the wall against the unlikely event of water accumulation/pooling between window and wall. Silicon is then applied in a bead all the way around the opening. Silicon hardens pretty quickly so you shouldn't start applying it until you've already done a dry fit of the window (with shims) and know exactly where you want the window to go.

pic4: Next, insert the window into the opening and predrill the holes. We used 1-5/8" screws.

pic5: And we're done! Put Protecto-Wrap over the edges to seal out the weather and it's a done deal.

pic6: Blast from the past: a work-in-progress shot of the electric subpanel. It's a 100A subpanel. All components are Square-D.
Woohoo! That's the news of the day. Tomorrow: putting up some tar paper.
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