Piece of cake! In less than an hour, we had the window shimmed in place (so that bottom edge was parallel with floor of house and side edges were even in the rough opening space), silicon-gooped until the end of time, sealed for extra measure with another piece of flashing over the top of the upper edge of the built-in plastic flashing flange, and installed with screws (1-5/8" fasteners were recommended; screws are used here since in the event of driving-down-the-highway road vibrations nails could potentially work themselves out). Here is the photographic evidence:
The eaves were sealed this week with 2x4s ripped on a table saw to have a 45-degree edge -- these were installed in the previously open space between the top of the wall and the underside of the roof sheathing.
In other news, yesterday we installed the hip rafter above the porch and made progress on the "dormer window" shape above the bay window area. The valley rafter still needs to be installed there, followed by more plywood. Then we'll be ready to put tar paper over the whole roof, flashing in the valley/hip, and the actual roof material (metal is planned). No soffit vents are being used.
And! Electricity is happening! All outlets are now wired to the subpanel and have been tested. It is a great thing to be able to plug in a drill or sawzall to an outlet INSIDE the house while working. Less tripping on extension cords. More glory.
Stay tuned for the upcoming chapter: let there be light!
Great report on a good day's work by the DYI team extraordinaire. Keep 'em cummin!